Home /Work With Us

Real partnerships.
Real impact.

Through our suite of programs as unique as the teams we've worked with, ReCapturing the Vision has served over 45K children and 32K families across South Florida since 1994. Together, you fuel our mission to help people dream again.

Partnership Tiers

Pick Your Partnership

Little actions, over time, can have life-changing impact. There are plenty of ways to contribute so you can help people dream again. To get started please complete our partnership form and our team will be in touch to discuss the next steps.

Impact Sponsor

Impact sponsors work with us to provide generous financial support and in-kind donations. Your support helps to provide essential resources and materials for program support, participant aid, and local events.

Community Partner

Collaborate with us to extend our programs to your audience and integrate your brand into our community success stories. To increase impact, Community Partners can also work with us to provide their valuable resources and services to our communities.

Visionary Leaders

Visionary Leaders are dedicated volunteers who contribute their time and expertise to support program growth and event execution.

The craziest thing we can
do is nothing

Financial Donations

Contribute to educational empowerment and community growth in South Florida with your tax-deductible financial support.

Site Coordination

Enhance your community's development by providing a space for our dynamic educational programs and become a valued site partner.

Volunteer Your Time

Join our dedicated team of volunteers to make a significant impact at our events and be part of a movement towards positive change.

Sponsor an Event

Elevate our events by offering corporate sponsorships through product donations, financial support, or in-kind services, and foster community engagement.